Health and Wellness
Ionic Detox Program
"Why Make a Resolution...
...When You Can Make a Plan"
Tired of making “Resolutions” on January 1, but forget them by February 1?
Tired of “One size fits all” fads supposed to make you feel better fast?
Tired of “Try this” and all your health issues will disappear?
Tired of “Being one in the herd” without personal guidance in a program?
There IS help!
Wellness Program
Customized plan of action that addresses YOUR health concerns and goals.
Recommendations are tailored for only YOUR needs.
First visit includes:
Biofeedback Session with Report.
Nutritional Consultation
Specific recommendations for your Plan of Act (diet, nutrition,specific therapies, referrals, etc.) that help attain your health goals, feel better, and be healthier in 2018.
Appointments take 2-2.5 hours
Available to help with any questions and/or concerns between appointments
Cost for initial visit is $150.00 (over $300 value)
Package discounts available
Discounts on some recommended therapies
Will work with any budget and time schedule
Available at Better Life Health Spa
Quantum Biofeedback with Report
Electro Lymphatic Therapy
Biomagnetism Therapy
Therapeutic Massage
Ion Detox Foot Spa
Frequency Therapy
Low Level Laser Therapy
Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
Nutritional Counseling
Zyto Compass Scan
Nature’s Sunshine Herbs and Supplements
Specialized Nutritional Supplements
Homeopathic Remedies
Herbal Salves Biocoffee
Rodan & Fields Skin Care